Sunday, November 17, 2019




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In the search of contentment 
Which was there within me...
Didn't realise what and where it was..
But I searched it for a cause.  
The cause was happiness . 

In the search of contentment 
Which I knew I was going to find sooner or later 
But who knew Life was such a traitor 
Every time I found it , it ran away from me 
I kept on chasing it,  I ran in the search of it. 
Who knew what I was chasing was in turn chasing me..

In the search of contentment 
Which took me to greater heights 
Couldn't see what's behind me 
All I could see was a flying kite .
Flying kite that carried hope 
Hope that had vision and scope 

In the search of contentment 
I went on to chase the desire that had left me hungry 
My soul was now a tad bit angry 
I was tired for it had been a long journey 
But the journey seemed to be successful..

At the end of the road what I saw was a mirror 
Life then sighed to me 
What u have been finding 
Was all in here !
I then sighed to life. .What, in the mirror ?
Yes it said ... Contentment was within you ..

In the search of contentment 
I went on discovering myself 
I lived the life, that was within me..

Now I can say in the search of contentment
I found the real me !


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IN THE SEARCH OF CONTENTMENT ... SHORT POEM  In the search of contentment  Which was there within me... Didn't real...