Sunday, September 1, 2019


                              Image result for take time to do nothing

We all enjoyed answering this question as a child : what are you going to do when u grow up?
and with the sparkle in our eyes ,with a free spirit, visions in the head , unaware of how hard the reality is.......we displayed our interests.

Even before beginning our life as a child we had dreams to achieve. Having dreams is a good thing, after all a life without an  aim is meaningless .
But in order to achieve our dream we got so involved that we forget the real meaning of life is to let go  worries , burdens , and most importantly GIVE TIME TO ONE SELF. !!

We forgot the real meaning of time ,the way of utilizing time in manner that  makes us enjoy the sun, the breeze in our hair, gives us time to gather our thoughts, and enjoy the sound of the nature.
Long days do have the  ability to KEEP you busy all day long, but too many events fill your day, crowd you out of your life and leave you exhausted without clear recollection of what you did.

If you put your schedules aside you would realize that nature has mysterious ways of engaging you and would make you realize that the with an empty intention is the best time of the day  and that time of the day  is termed as an individual time. ``which is vital for a happy life '.

The individual time allows you to cut yourself from the negative vibes  , make you care less about politics, make you care less about who is famous whose not and would energize the beta waves in your mind which are responsible for all the active energy required for the day, also individual time helps you to understand your weaknesses and strengths as an individual.

As a To-do-list is required to align the daily tasks similarly meditation or alone time is required  to align the body, mind and soul.
Its okay to not have a plan sometimes, its okay to spend one day with yourself and without bearing any guilt.
always remember:
Your contemplation shapes you as much as your doing.
All truth gathers there and defines your being .
Glide with the wind .
Move with the current
as much as you want to be yourself , be with yourself.!
Image result for be with yourself

1 comment:

  1. Firstly, Happy to see your blog update after such a long time. Topic you have written about is quite interesting..... The title of your blog post itself intrigued me to keep on reading - must say a well written title.
    Deep thinking it is over a topic of much significance. Really liked the way you state its okay to spend aday with yourself without guilt and let the day unravel you
    because one does unrvel the day almost regularaly through the daily routines... Rare it is to go along with the day
    as you said who knows maybe it can tell you a thing or two about your ownself
    More of like going with the flow as a steady stream of river.
    A stronger relationship with onself makes you feel better internally as well as externally
    I also believing staying detached consciously to some things - it is a concept I have and would like to share it
    Coming down to the last image you have kept in the blog - could be summarized as throwing light oneself also known as SELF REFLECTION.

    Really happy to see your content!!
    Awaiting to see more of it Arikta!



IN THE SEARCH OF CONTENTMENT ... SHORT POEM  In the search of contentment  Which was there within me... Didn't real...